OverDrive - Audio & eBooks
The Gibbs Library and Media Center now has OverDrive! You can get eBooks and audiobooks for free. Just visit the portal, myhp.hpisd.org and sign in with your school login and password. and then select the Overdrive App. Browse the collection and check out a book! Read anywhere, anytime …. on your computer, phone, or tablet. Come by the library if you need help getting started. Take your reading to the next level today!
To access Overdrive from your phone or device:
Download the "Sora, for Overdrive" app |
Click on "find my school"
Scroll through the choices or click "my school isn't listed"
If not listed, type "Highland Park ISD" in the search box, select the option for 7015 Westchester
A green bubble will appear to confirm your selection, click it and you will be redirected to the portal
Sign in with your network password
You're done. Happy Reading!