HPHS Football PINK OUT Game on10/22 This year HPHS Football is teaming up with The American Cancer Society. Together we hope to bring awareness and funds to help support them in their fight for a cure!
HP Cheerleaders and Scotsmen Hamburger Supper The Highland Park Cheer Program is looking forward to hosting its annual Hamburger Supper Fundraiser on October 22nd before the game. Get your tickets now!
HP Bass Team Fundraiser Purchase your tickets for the HP Bass Team's annual dinner at Flying Fish from any member of the Bass Team or at the door.
First Junior Lunch Bunch with the Counselors Junior Parents, join us for the first Junior Lunch Bunch of the year!
Register for Fall SAT Workshop Registration deadline fir Fall SAT Workshop is October 15th so register today! This workshop is perfect timing for the upcoming SAT test administration dates on November 6th or December 4th.
Freshman Parent Night The HPHS Counseling Department will be hosting its annual Freshmen Parent Night on Wednesday, October 13, at 6:00 pm in the HPHS Learning Theater (EC228).