HPHS Community Service Council

About Us: Founded in 1991, the Community Service Council serves as the foundation of Highland Park High School's service activities, organizing several school-wide service projects each year and keeping track of students' service hours required for graduation. CSC has managed to change the lives of many community members through partnerships with Dallas area non-profits.
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/highlandparkcsc/
- Sponsor: Tyson Peterson - Classroom SW106
- Sponsor: - Stephanie Hawsey - Classroom WC103
- President: Mila Segal - [email protected]
- Vice President: Katy Vanderwoude [email protected] & Sofia Magee [email protected]
CSC Officers:
President: Mila Segal
Vice Presidents: Katy Vanderwoude & Sofia Magee
Assistant of VP: Kendall Hall
Drive Chairs: Caroline Scott & Claire Fingers
Assistant to Drives: Mary Alden Harris
Technology Chair: Kay Rachel & Karianne Collins
Assistant to Tech: Varsha Ravi
Senior Hour Chairs: Shannon Fleming & Mia Kruger
Assistant to Senior Hours: Mary Jane Roberts
Public Relation Chairs: Alexia Sneider & Annie Oliver
Assistant to PR: Molly O'Rourke
MADD Chairs: Caroline Schoenvogel & Angela Gonzalez
Assistant to MADD: Jason Zhag & Olivia Bond
Meeting/Event Directors: Sophia Ghobriel & Tessa Nurre
Assistant to Meeting Directors: Ethan Graham &Cathan Cohen
Meeting Director Assistants: Ethan Graham & Cahan Cohen
Questions? Check the side menu options or email sponsors Tyson Peterson & Stephanie Hawsey