24-25 CSC Officers:
President: Mila Segal
Vice Presidents: Katy Vanderwoude & Sofia Magee
Assistant of VP: Kendall Hall
Drive Chairs: Caroline Scott & Claire Fingers
Assistant to Drives: Mary Alden Harris
Technology Chair: Kay Rachel & Karianne Collins
Assistant to Tech: Varsha Ravi
Senior Hour Chairs: Shannon Fleming & Mia Kruger
Assistant to Senior Hours: Mary Jane Roberts
Public Relation Chairs: Alexia Sneider & Annie Oliver
Assistant to PR: Molly O'Rourke
MADD Chairs: Caroline Schoenvogel & Angela Gonzalez
Assistant to MADD: Jason Zhag & Olivia Bond
Meeting/Event Directors: Sophia Ghobriel & Tessa Nurre
Assistant to Meeting Directors: Ethan Graham &Cathan Cohen
Meeting Director Assistants: Ethan Graham & Cahan Cohen
Officer Duties:
President of CSC:
- Oversee all events of and meetings for CSC
- Meet with Sponsor every Thursday during lunch.
- Keep in constant communication with sponsors throughout the year
- Arrange officer meetings
- Make/Present meeting Power Points Assist other officers with fulfilling duties, including communication of duties and ongoing tasks
- Help acquaint freshmen to use of x2vol during Fish Camp
- Maintain binder and record of activities
- Take photographs at all events Upload them on Google Drive
- Give a copy to Technology and PR within one week of the event
- Attend the Spring 8th Grade Information night
- Organize officer photo and submit to the Yearbook, Clan and possibly Scots Illustrated
- Attend monthly PTA meetings
- Write a quality summary of events for La Fiesta Application
Technology Chair:
- Manage the website and advance the technology of the Council
- Manage the pictures on the website and calendar of events, post PowerPoint from meeting, etc.
- Update Google Docs with list of officers’ contact information
- Help freshmen log into x2vol during Fish Camp
- Maintain binder and records of activities
- Communicate with Sponsors
- Maintain Social Media sites and communications reminders, including: Facebook “Remind 101” messages before all events and meetings
- Emails to members
Drives Chair:
- Coordinate, plan, and organize: Car Wash (Fall) Turkey Drive (Fall) Angel Tree Drive (Fall), including donation, transportation to the Salvation Army Blood Drive (Spring) Guatemala Healing Hands Drive (spring)
- Maintain Binder and records of activities
- Communicate with sponsors
Senior Hours Chair:
- Email Seniors reminding/providing hours and invite seniors in need of hours, to volunteer opportunities throughout the year
- Maintain records of senior hours
- Maintain binder and record of activities
- Communicate with sponsor(s)
- Spring semester - weekly email reminders sent to seniors regarding hours
- Complete senior letters every 2 months to be delivered to seniors who have not met their hour requirement
Public Relations:
- Create and post fliers and submit announcement (PA, TV, and Scots Weekly) before and after events
- Correspond with district PR Chair Jacki Moran for inclusion of events in district emails
- Inform CSC membership of CSC events.
- Maintain an up-to-date CSC display.
- Decorate and post CSC events in CSC display case
- Maintain binder and record of activities
- Communicate with sponsor(s)
MADD Chair:
- Plan, organize and coordinate Fall and Spring MADD events
- Contact organization Plan for and purchase supplies needed
- Complete purchase order for items bought
- Organize sign up
- Delegate tasks and divide/assign jobs for the event
- Communicate with CSC committees as needed
- Maintain binder and record of activities
- Communicate with sponsor(s)
Meeting Director:
- Contact and recruit speakers for each meeting
- Meet, host, and introduce invited speakers during each monthly meeting
- Plan and communicate mini-service project for each meeting
- Communicate speaker and mini service project to PR, technology chair, president
- Post meeting info (including speaker name and bio, and mini-service project) in the Google drive
- Transport donations to organization if speaker is unavailable to transport
- Maintain current CSC mailing list by deleting old members (graduated seniors) and adding new member’s information to contacts and mailing list
- Update and maintain member information on Google drive
- Track attendance for CSC meeting and events on Google drive Print attendance sheet and bring to meetings
- Mandatory attendance at club fair Update membership information from Organization Fair to drive
- Maintain binder and record of activities Communicate with sponsor(s)
Other Assistants:
- Sell CSC shirts and host sign-up during the lunch period in the cafeteria prior to every event
- Fulfill the role of other chair(s) if they are unable to fulfill their responsibilities
- Help freshmen log into x2vol during Fish Camp
- Hand-write thank you notes to donors Clean and organize CSC closet
- Maintain Binder and record of activities
- Communicate with sponsor(s)