College Rep Visits
Highland Park High School welcomes college representatives to visit our school and interact with students and counseling staff.
HPHS schedules college rep visits during September, October, February, March and April for juniors and seniors. Visits are held in the Counseling Office conference room in one-half hour increments between 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Reps who are interested in visiting with our students should make an appointment by utilizing Naviance's RepVisits, calling Meegan Cramer at 214-780-3739 or emailing at [email protected]
Visits are posted in Naviance and students are required to register in advance. A counselor will be available to meet with reps, as well.
HPHS only uses Web resources, so feel free to minimize the number of brochures you bring. Posters and letters of confirmation may be sent to:
HPHS hosts its annual College Night in early September. If your institution would like to participate in our College Night, please email Wendy Harmon at [email protected].